Residential Services

Lake Mead Pest Control takes care of your all your pest problems, from the occasional pest to a full on infestation, in Henderson, Las Vegas, and Boulder City. Our friendly technicians make sure your unwanted guests are removed in a timely and effective manner, fitting our service into your budget and schedule. Whether you have ants in the kitchen, wasps in the garage, or the occasional roach, we handle it all.

Your home should be the place that you come to relax, and with any kind of pest that can be quite challenging. If you see a scorpion on your property we can help to locate and take the right steps to remove it now and prevent it from coming back in the future. Living near a wash? The rodents that make their home in the wash won’t want to make their home near yours with our effective rodent remediation service. Whatever your needs, we will custom design a program for you.

Areas Serviced

If its on your property we can make it want to leave. Our technicians know bugs and rodents don’t hide in one room. From ridding the ants in your pantry to taking care of scorpions in the back yard, we can drive them out, for good. If you notice the onset of an infestation, we find the root of your problem and help you understand what is needed to eradicate it for good. Then we come up with a plan that will be effective now, and in the future, for keeping pests out of your home.

Pet Safe Products

One of the most common questions homeowners ask our technicians is whether our products are safe around their pets and children. The answer is Yes. Our products are not only effective at killing pests but are safe around even the smallest pets.

As a precaution we generally tell our homeowners to keep their pets out of the yard after a treatment, but this is more so that the spray can absorb into the right areas and isn’t carried around on them than it is because the chemicals we use could harm them. Many homeowners have pets as small as 2 pounds and even small children that crawl around recently sprayed areas. Neither have health concerns with the formula we use.